Safe Working Near Water (SWNW)
For whom?
For the attention of companies, institutions, local authorities and industries, whose personnel working in or near a water environment (lakes, dams, canals, rivers, locks, etc.) are subject to the risk of drowning following a fall into water.
Train personnel in the prevention of aquatic risks, by familiarising them on the one hand with the dangers and safety rules specific to the aquatic environment during their professional activity in the immediate vicinity of a watercourse or on a structure (dam, bridge), and on the other hand, with the use of aquatic PPE (life jacket), in order to prevent the risk of drowning in the event of a fall into the water
- 1 day
- 6 hours of training
- Alternating theoretical and practical
and practical courses
- Be 18 years old.
- Be able to swim.
Training calendar
- Places still available
- Full
No training courses currently scheduled
Our references